Saturday, 28 January 2012

I Do Not Love You Except Because I Love You

In The Name Of Allah The Most Gracious And Most Merciful

I do not love you,
Except because I love you,
I go from loving,
To not loving you,
From waiting,
To not waiting for you,
My heart moves,
From cold to fire.

I love you because,
It's you the one I love,
I hate you deeply,
And hating you,
Bend to you,
And the measure of my changing love for you,
Is that I do not see you,
But I love you blindly.

Maybe January light will consume,
My heart with its cruel,
stealing my key to true calm.

In this part of the story,
I am the one who,
The only one ,
And I will die of love because I love you,
Because I love you,
In fire and blood.

I hope you know this Mr.A
I love you, but i hate you

-Special dedicated to Mr.A-

If Only You Knew, Why Her Not Me?

In The Name Of Allah The Most Gracious And The Most Merciful

I'm not sure,
If you know or not,
But I really do love you a lot,
You still hold,
A special place in my heart,
And you did,
Right from the start.

But when she came along,
And took your breath away,
I was devastated,
And didn't know what to say,
I spent my nights crying,
Time after time,
I spent my time lying,
saying "I was fine."

Little did you know,
My heart was crushed inside,
And on that day,
A little of me died,
But with her,
You look so in love,
Cause you are an angel from above.

I now have to teach my heart to move on,
For you are now forever gone,
But about one thing I'm unsure,
Why it can't be me, but her?

I'm Tired Of Pretending I'm Strong

In The Name Of Allah The Most Gracious And Most Merciful

The smiles I fake,
The scars I make,
The tears I cry,
It's really who I am,
Would it kill you to look inside?

Lonely is my best friend,
Happiness is a waste of time,
Loving will get you nowhere,
Depression fills your mind.

You could never keep a good thing,
Now I can't recognize your face,
And my feet are getting so tired,
Tired from this constant chase.

My heart is weak,
My soul is dead,
I should probably give it up,
While I'm still ahead.

I thought you could ease my pain,
Not make it ten times worse,
And I thought you could tell me,
I'm worth something,
But instead my heart just burst.

I'm trying but failing,
I'm waiting but you're done,
I'ts useless I'll stop caring,
I'll say it,
There you won.

I keep holding on tight,
And this battle should be over,
You never return what you receive,
I call it heartless,
You call it CLEVER!

I'll ask one more time,
Can you stop leading me on?
Because if you actually knew,
What I was going through,
You'd know I'M BREAKING,
And tired of pretending I'M STRONG!

-Special dedicated to Mr.A-

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Good Friends Are Hard To Find

In The Name Of Allah The Most Gracious And Most Merciful

Touch my heart,
And I'll touch tours,
With a gentle word or two,
For kindness bears,
The sweetest fruit,
That makes our dreams come true.

Touch my life with tenderness,
And fill my cup of heart with,
Share my dreams,
As I share yours,
Beyond the stars above.

Take my hand as I grow old,
And lead me,
When I'm blind,
Show me that you really care,
Good friends are hard to find.

Dedicated to my beloved friends :)

I Am Free

In The Name Of Allah The Most Gracious And Most Merciful

Don't grief for me,
For now I'm free,
I'm following the path God laid for me,
I took His hand,
When I heard Him call,
I turned my back,
And left it all.

I could not stay another day,
To laugh, to love, to work or to play,
Tasks left undone,
Must stay that way,
I have found that peace,
At the close of day.

If my parting has left a void,
Then fill it with remembered joy,
A friendship shared,
A laugh, a kiss,
Ah yes, these thing I too will miss.

Be not burdened with times of sorrow,
I wish you, 
The sunshine of tomorrow,
My life's been full,
I have savored much,
Good times, good friends,
A love one's touch.

Perhaps my time seemed all to brief,
Don't lengthen it now,
With undue grief,
Lift up your heart,
And share with me,
God wanted me now,
He set me free.


In The Name Of Allah The Most Gracious And Most Merciful

Allahummaghfirli warhamni wahdini,
Ya Allah, Ya Allah,
You have given us our life,
Air and water to survive,
Given us Rasulullah,
To guide us to achieve destiny.

You have given beautiful flowers in the garden,
Given strength in organs to remove burden,
Allah, Allah,
Though there was no cause,
After getting all those,
We didn't pray for you,
We didn't praise to you,
Inni mujrimu fa'fu anni.

You have created the universe for only us,
Made us best of all creation and glorious,
Allah, Allah,
We have deviated from the way you gifted,
Ihdinas siratal mustaqiim,
Inni mujrimu fa'fu anni.

Monday, 16 January 2012

Meet My Future Husband :)

In The Name Of Allah The Most Gracious And Most Merciful

Characteristics of a Pious Husband

On the Judgement Day, Allah will ask men if they fulfilled their obligations towards their families. They who fear Allah will do their best to direct the way his wife and children live by educating himself and his family to living according to Sunnah of the Prophet SAW and the Holy Quran, the final word of Allah.

The Prophet SAW said: "The best for you is the best one to his family." (Al Tabrani)

To share food with her, to provide her with (decent) clothes as he provides himself, to refrain from smacking her, and not ignoring her but in the house. (Ahmad)

One should not hate his believer wife. If he dislikes some of her attitudes, he would (surely) like others (attitudes). (Muslim)

Women was created from a bent rib and will not be made straight for you on one way (that you like). If you want to enjoy her, you enjoy her while she is still bent. If you want to straighten her up, you will break her. Breaking her is divorcing her. (Al Bukhari & Muslim)

Do (volunteer) fasting (some days) and do not fast (in other days), pray at night (some nights) and sleep (in other nights). Your body has a right on you (to rest), your eye has a right on you (to sleep), and your wife has a right on you. (Al Bukhari & Muslim)

Fear Allah in (treating) women. (Muslim)

Be advised to treat women righteously. (Al Bukhari & Muslim)

And live with them honorably. If you dislike them, it may be that you dislike a thing that Allah brings through it a great deal of good. (4:19)

The Prophet SAW said: "A Dinar (a currency) that you spend on your family, a Dinar that you spend on poor person and a Dinar that you spend in the sake of Allah. The one that carries the most reward is the one you spend on your family. (Muslim)

The Prophet SAW said to Saaid Ibn Waqqas: "Know that no charity that you give whether small or large, for the sake of Allah, but you will rewarded for it, even the bite (of food)that you put in your wife's mouth." (Bukhari & Muslim)

Why Men Cry

In The Name Of Allah The Most Gracious And Most Merciful

Kenapa lelaki menangis..?

Lelaki menangis bukan sebab potong bawang ataupun sebab lain,
Tapi sebab ALLAH SWT dan perkara-perkara yang boleh dia tangisi :)

Lelaki yang selalu mengalirkan air mata ialah lelaki yang kuat imannya.

Biasanya lelaki jenis ini menangis tatkala mengingatkan dosa-dosanya yang lalu.
Dia juga akan menangis kerana terlalu bersyukur, merasa amat berterima kasih atas pemberian nikmat Allah.

Lelaki yang tidak malu untuk menitiskan air mata adalah lelaki jujur dan berhati bersih.

Sekarang, amat susah mencari lelaki jenis ini. Kebanyakan lelaki yang ada disekeliling kita adalah lelaki yang bersikap egois, maka menangis kerana dosa-dosa yang dilakukan pun dia tidak mahu. Apatah lagi menangis kerana merasa terlalu bersyukur.

Lelaki yang kerap menangis adalah lelaki yang lembut hatinya, penyayang, amat jujur dan setia.

Hatinya lembut kerana NUR IMAN yang tersimpan di situ, menyinarkan mahabbah, maksudnya rasa berkasih-sayang dan rasa ingin saling mengambil berat. Itu juga petanda bahawa lelaki jenis ini seorang yang optimis, pemikirannya bersangka baik, dan tidak suka berkata yang buruk walaupun sekelumit.

Kenapa lelaki menangis?

> Kebanyakannya menangis kerana terlalu gembira apabila menyambut kelahiran cahaya mata pertama.

> Teringat akan dosa-dosa yang pernah dilakukan.

> Merasai kesyukuran yang amat mendalam kepada Allah Yang Esa.

> Ibu atau bapanya meninggal dunia.

> Terlalu takut tatkala teringat akan azab api neraka.

> Terlalu khusyuk didorong rasa kehambaan di dalam zikir-zikirnya.

 > Tersentuh hati apabila membaca Al-Quran yang dibaca olehnya.

Who Is That Handsome Guy?

In The Name Of Allah The Most Gracious And Most Merciful

Lelaki yang kacak ialah...

> Lelaki yang solat 5 waktu sehari semalam

> Lelaki yang menghulurkan sedekah kepada yang memerlukan

> Lelaki yang memakai pakaian yang sopan, kemas dan menutup aurat

> Lelaki yang menghormati ibu bapa dan sanak saudara

> Lelaki yang mampu menepis godaan zina dan maksiat

> Lelaki yang menjalankan tanggungjawab kepada keluarga

> Lelaki yang memberi ruang duduk kepada wanita atau golongan uzur di tempat-tempat awam

> Lelaki yang berjaya mengawal perasaan marah dengan ucapan ZIKRULLAH

> Lelaki yang bertutur dengan sopan dan penuh hemah dengan orang lain

> Lelaki yang melaungkan AZAN dan menjadi IMAM ketika menunaikan solat

> Lelaki yang menyediakan nafkah zahir dan batin (bagi yang telah berkahwin)

> Lelaki yang berjaya mengawal perasaan cemburu

> Lelaki yang melayan isteri seperti seorang bidadari

> Lelaki yang mampu bangun dari tidur pada malam hari untuk beribadat kepada Allah

> Lelaki yang mudah dibawa berbincang dan bertolak ansur

> Lelaki yang mampu berdikari dan bersungguh-sungguh dalam melakukan sesuatu

Lelaki soleh dijelaskan dalam Al-Quran adalah seperti berikut:

"Dan diantara ahli kitab ada sekolompok orang yang berlaku lurus. Mereka membaca ayat-ayat Allah di malam hari, sedang mereka bersujud (maksudnya mengerjakan solat malam sambil membaca kitabullah). Mereka beriman kepada Allah dan hari akhirat, mereka mengajak kepada kebaikan dan mencegah dari perbuatan mungkar, dan mereka bersegera mengerjakan kebaikan-kebaikan. Mereka itulah orang-orang yang soleh."
(Ali-Imran 133-134)

No One Can Replace You

In The Name Of Allah The Most Gracious And Most Merciful

Give me a reason to believe,
That your love was real,
Give me a reason to believe,
That your heart isn't made out of steal,
My armor that once protected,
My now severely wounded heart,
Was cracked and stomped on,
Then quickly fell apart,
The more you hurt me,
Just make s my love grow,
Cause then I want back,
The sweet loving kindness,
That was once known,
There's nothing I can,
Say or do,
I can't help it,
If I fell in love with you,
You're just so cute and kindhearted,
Way deep down inside,
Deep, deep, deep down,
Your kindness surely shines,
You're my love,
My anger, and fear,
My everything close and dear,
That annoying voice,
That always says,
This and that is wrong,
Is lost thanks to,
All these stupid love songs,
Whenever I hear one,
All I think about is you,
You affect me in everything,
I think say and do,
When I think I've found someone,
Just as good as you,
I end up without them,
Which proves,
Nobody in this life time or the next,
Can ever replace you.

Sunday, 15 January 2012

Afraid Of Falling

In The Name Of Allah The Most Gracious And Most Merciful

Each time you say "I love you",
I flinch.

Each time you want to kiss,
I want to pull away.

When you call,
I'm afraid to answer.

Each e-mail,
I fear to read.

There's a past,
One not so distant.

It's controlling,
Holding me back.

There's scars,
One I can't erase.

Fear grips me,
As your arms hold me tighter.

I feel like running at times,
But something is pulling.

Pulling me back to you,
This something I can't explain.

But it leaves me screaming out your name,
When darkness grabs at me.

Your light shines through,
I want to believe this love is true.

But I am still afraid,
Afraid to fall in love.

Couple Halal Ba'da Nikah (Couple After Nikah)

In The Name Allah The Most Gracious And Most Merciful

Cemburu benar hati,
Mendengar perkhabaran gembira,
Binaan rumah tangga.

Syukur, Alhamdulillah,
Allah telah permudahkan urusan mereka.

Mungkin giliranku,
Masih belum tiba,
Kerana Allah tahu,
Aku belum sesuai untuk itu.

Banyak perluku perbaiki

Sabarkan hati ini,
Teguhkan iman ini,
Terkadang aku rindu,
Pada seseorang yang ku tidak tahu.

Izinkan aku berteman,
Seseorang yang halal bagiku.

Jika belum waktunya,
Aku mohon,
Kau perkukuhkan imanku,
Agar tidak mencari,
Yang mengundang murkaMu.

Ya Allah,
Jangan biar hati ini mencemburui,
Sebalik Ya Rahiim,
Campakkan kesungguhan padaku,
Untuk mencintaiMu.

Biar aku menikmati,
Benar saat berdua-duaan denganMu.

Jika takdirnya tiada jodoh buatku di dunia,
Cukuplah Engkau,
Menjadi cintaku selamanya.

By Hamba Allah

Saturday, 14 January 2012

I'm Strong

In The Name Of Allah The Most Gracious And Most Merciful

You promised a new beginning,
I told you things for me had meaning,
You were the first to say "so-long",
Could not break me,
I'm strong.

All this time you led me on,
But had it all prefigured,
Happy emotions you let set in,
Uncertainties they figured.

Did you think my pen would have a chance?
To express such beauty cry,
Of hearts that sing, love taste?
The time-span made for you and I.

At first I dreamt of thing to come,
Became to memories confined,
So to built on some not so kind,
You must have thought I was blind.

Don't worry,
This love,
Yes, it can always live in rhyme,
 And perchance in our thoughts,
There will always be another time.

For things unrealized,
No need for tears,
No reason to be sad?
Like the multi-colored leaves with,
Spring it will get born,
A new green red, Bud.

By Silvana Krculic

A Fool

In The Name Of Allah The Most Gracious And Most Merciful

I'm sitting all alone in my room and once,
again I'm thinking of my life,
My life is passing me by,
See a lot of pain,
A lot of tears,
That's how I remember it,
There were a lot of days,
That I could only cry.

My hope was faded away,
I wanted to say goodbye to everything,
Now I'm laughing,
And feeling fine,
Sometimes I still cry,
Inside and outside,
But that's different then in the past,
 I wanted to say goodbye to everything.

Damn, what was I a fool,
Cause if I really said goodbye,
I had never felt this lovely feeling deep inside,
It's a great feeling,
Called love,
And I'm so thankful,
For finding my love,
It's making me stronger,
Day after day,
There was a time I wanted to say,
Now I wanted to live..!


In The Name Of Allah The Most Gracious And Most Merciful

She wore a broken smile,
For just a little while,
She'd paint it on everyday,
For no certain reason, Not the color of the season,
The simple shade of gray.

The shameful walk,
Oh, if walls could talk,
I wonder what they'd say,
"There she goes,
No one knows,
How she begged him to stay."

But she stood there so confused,
That night broken and used,
And watched him drive away,
 Black rivers roll down her face,
His love no one can ever replace.

A scar this deep will stay,
A river of red,
A concrete bed,
Is where she will now lay.

Left With No Answer

In The Name Of Allah The Most Gracious And Most Merciful

You threw away what we had,
Because you're scared,
You refused to embraced,
What made you care,
You choose to leave me to be alone,
You said you love me,
But now that's all gone.

What's the point in pretending,
You don't want this,
When you kiss,
Said the complete opposite,
Why destruct the love we have,
How hard is that for you to understand.

Now we left on either side with tears,
Wishing that it would never come to this,
Wanting to hold each other,
So tightly in our arms,
But left with nothing,
But a pillow to cry on.

Friday, 13 January 2012

If I Were Free Like A Bird

In The Name Of Allah The Most Gracious And Most Merciful

If I were free like a bird,
I could fly far away,
And try to escape the pain that I feel,
For living in the world without you.

If I were a cloud,
Could I float away?
From this pain,
That fills my very soul.

But I am grounded here,
With only in my two eyes,
That can only see,
The hurt that you feel that was caused by me.

With your two eyes,
You cannot see,
The beauty that was and is,
The joy of you and me.

There are too many bad things,
Within this world,
Too many sad things,
Around for me,
To give up my choice to only love you.

Let me free like a bird,

 So that I can fly up high in the sky,

Don't let me suffocating in this love cage.