Thursday, 12 January 2012

My Memories

In The Name Of Allah The Most Gracious And Most Merciful

Today will be a memory,
Yesterday is the memory drifting away,
Memories turn into tears,
Tearing us apart.

Fear of moving on,
Afraid of change,
In a minute this will just be a memory,
Memories are all pain in vain,
Memories are like dreams,
A reflection of the past.

Memories are vision of what it used to be,
My memories are sadness and struggle,
What are yours?
Are they sadness and struggle?

You are but a memory,
That dwindles as each day passes me by,
And as you slowly vanish,
I huddle in my room and cry.

A memory that's all I have,
that's all that's left of you,
Nothing but a mere memory,
That still lingers,
Only for a little while longer in my head.

Don't forget about the past,
Without memories there is no yesterday,
Make everyday one to remember a,
Memory to move on with no pain,
Or anymore regrets.

A love song stopped the time for an instant,
When I made a jump in the past,
And felt my heart beating fast,
At each sight I gave to my beloved man,
It was pleasant.

My memories still run in my head,
And they hardly leave me,
Because I cant forget who I was.

Praise be to Allah,
He blessed me with great blessings,
And he gave me YOU,
My beloved dear.

Best birthday wish ever

Me and You = Infinity

Dedicated to my one and only love
Thank you for the memories, Mister A..

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